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Board Games

There’s Not Only Video Games

There are some days where unplugging from the daily life of technology is a good thing. Yes, there is a thing as too much technology. I assume most of you have phones, consoles, TVs, and computers. We have become involved in this ever-expanding world.

We like to unplug as a family by playing board games at least once a week. Now, this doesn’t always happen because some of us want to relax and do nothing. But, it is fun to play games like Settlers of Catan and Wackee Six as a family.

You might say that’s boring. Well, when kids are young, you can’t expect them to sit in a room for hours talking about the next move you’re making in a DnD dungeon crawler. You have to start off small. My kids still have issues sitting still for Settlers of Catan.

Board games are a great way to spend time with family and friends. Video games are fun, don’t get me wrong. But nothing can replace the authenticity of beating someone at a board game. :).

So the next time you feel like it’s time to turn off the screen. Think about playing a board game with your roommates, family, or friends. It’s always a great thing to get some real-time face to face with people you enjoy.